A common question we get from people buying briquettes for the first time is – how are they stored? We also know, people don‘t always like asking questions as they may feel silly BUT to us, no question is ever silly. We would rather you have all the information you need to get the best out of our products. So, to answer that for you, how should you store your briquettes? Find out below. 

Are they stored the same as firewood? 

To put it simply, no. Briquettes need to be stored completely different to traditional logs. Logs are stored openly to allow airflow around them to keep them dry. Briquettes on the other hand are already dry, damp briquettes will turn back into sawdust. If they are exposed to moisture they will begin to expand which leaves them useless for burning. Briquettes are best stored in dry conditions.

Does packaging affect their storage? 

Most of our briquettes are packaged in plastic shrink-wrapped packs, however they have gaps in the sides of the shrink-wrap so they aren’t fully sealed against moisture. Due to this, they aren’t suitable for storing outdoors or in conditions where they would be exposed to moisture. The majority of briquettes, if kept in their original wrapping and stored properly, have an indefinite shelf life. If they are removed from their packaging and exposed to damp or humid conditions they could start to degrade over a period of months. 

So, what do we recommend? 

We would recommend storing your briquettes indoors only where possible, if that isn’t possible, then we’ve included a few ideas. 

DO Store Your Briquettes in: 

  • Dry Garage
  • Watertight Shed
  • Inside the House
  • Dry Outbuildings 
  • An Airtight, Watertight Garden Store 
  • Conservatory, Porch or Entrance Hall

DO NOT Store Your Briquettes in: 

  • Traditional Log Stores 
  • Uncovered Outside Areas
  • Indoor Areas Susceptible to Damp, Moisture or High Humidity

We supply a good range of wood briquettes/ heat logs, browse the range here.