Ready to Burn & The Clean Air Act – How does it impact you as a customer?

The Air Quality (Domestic Solid Fuel Standards) (England) Regulation 2020 Legislation came into force in May 2021 in England. 

What is it? 

The legislation is part of the Government’s move towards more economic fuels being used, this is to help improve the Air Quality in the UK. Older bituminous fuels, normally known as House Coal, have a higher mixed chemical content that produces higher volumes of smoke and soot, due to this they are being banned as a result of the legislation coming into effect. 

The reason behind this decision is due to the high volume of Sulphur being released into the atmosphere along with other harmful impurities. 

The legislation also has imposed a ban on the sale and burning of wet firewood. Wet wood produces more smoke and harmful by-products leading to further pollution. By kiln drying the wood it burns off any sap and water retained in the wood, this results in a more efficient and environmentally friendly burn. 

We know this legislation has led to some people worrying about having to get rid of log burners etc which isn’t the case! The change is only affecting the type of fuel you can burn. 

So, in a nutshell, what does that mean for you as a customer? What does it mean for us as merchants? For you, the impact is small! Most will have already made the change to Smokeless Fuel & will have already been buying dried wood. 

First of all, a ban on Traditional House Coal is being implemented and will be in full force in May 2023. Only members of the Approved Coal Merchant Scheme can sell House Coal (by direct delivery only) after May 2021, up until May 2023. After 2023 House Coal will not be available anywhere within England.  

As a member of the Approved Coal Merchant Scheme, we have decided to sell House Coal for the Winter 2021 Season. This will, however, be our last year selling House Coal. 

After the Winter 2021 Season we will only be stocking Smokeless Fuel. We have made this decision as it gives us plenty of time before the ban to help you transition to our Smokeless Fuel. 

Smokeless fuels come with many benefits other than being more kind to our environment. They are more cost effective per BTU (British Thermal Unit) by having a higher heat production. They also have a good burn duration without needing much tending to, they can be left to smoulder without being touched for a decent length of time and they don’t lose heat or burn out easily. 

Our smokeless fuels all comply with the approved list of authorised fuels you are allowed to burn. 

The Act also has an impact upon firewood, but this change has already happened. All firewood must now comply with the Ready to Burn Scheme, this requires all firewood to have a moisture content of less than 20%. This is due to a ban on the burning of wet wood which produces large amounts of smoke. 

To make sure our wood complies, all our firewood is Kiln Dried for a period of 7 days. That way you can always be sure our wood has a moisture content of less than 20%. 

Our logs comply with the requirements for what you are allowed to burn, they are ready to burn as soon as you get them home. Ensure they are stored properly to stop them getting wet and you’ll be good to go. 

Our staff at both sites are also able to answer your questions if you are unsure on any of the above.